Monday, August 9, 2010

The Beginning

It was a tremendous adventure working with middle and high school students, trapped as if they were between childhood and the true teen years of high school, and I loved it! It turned really hard sometimes to make them work, but when they finally got to it, the results were just unbelievable! Here are a few of the works my 2009-2010 academy students could do, and is worth to say that they, with their enthusiasm, and willingness to create, were the ones who inspired me to come up with such an A-R-T-A-S-T-I-C idea for DelCampo Academy Art Blog!
During the last quarter 7th grade students at the academy went green sensitive. They agreed to carry out a recycling campaign in art class. The guys collected used card stock, paper, cardboard, and other types of paper they could use to make art works. What you see below are some of the mosaic-like works they created. 

Eighth grade students played with warm, cool and complementary colors exercise in a fun personal way. Below are some of the works they made. Enjoy!
Students in ninth grade experienced the difference between chalk pastels and oil pastels. They used different grade of pastel from hard which will give you a lighter application to their art work or softer grades which hues will give them darker hues. Please appreciate some of the works they created. 

Students in tenth grade were new to oil painting but as they  were getting familiar with it, they learned the fundamentals. They had a lot of fun creating free oil painting motives. Here are some of the exercises they worked on. 

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artedelidioma said...

Feicidades Galo, es una super idea y me parece extraordinarios mostrar el excelente trabajo de los alumnos,nuevamente te felicito por tu labor y porque los alumnos realmete disfrutaron de tu clase, testigo.

J. Galo said...

Thanks so much Mrs. Rodriguez. I just hope this project will motivate my pupils to give the extra mile!